Custom code, hacks, tweets, widgets, plugins, RSS, web 2.0 gadgetry, and other confusing things
What IS all this stuff? We ask the same question ourselves. The technology changes so fast, and clever geeks come up with odder and odder names every day, confusing even the most inveterate developers. The most important question is: what tools are useful to you, and which ones can you safely ignore? The next most obvious question is: how can you know?
You do not need to know the name of every piece of software that exists for the web, nor all of its associated terminology. But there are some tools and sites that you should consider adding to part of your online presence – in addition to your own web site.
Linked In (
A professional network through which you can post your resume, list your business, communicate with other professionals in your field, join related groups, participate in discussions, and ask and answer questions.
Facebook (
A largely social online network that, however, has yielded good results for charitable organizations promoting their cause.
Twitter (
A social media tool that allows you to send messages of no more than 140 characters at one time; people who subscribe to your “tweets” can view them on their computer, on your web site (if you provide a feed), or even on their cell phones.
Has someone been dipping their hand in your cookie jar? Search for copies of your web site on the web (is someone using your content without your permission?)